Kirsti and I just wanted to take a moment and shout out a giant "THANK YOU" to all of you that have done so much to help out with the recent Sending Smiles to Kara Kearsley and to the Liberia Orphan Education Project. You guys ROCK!!!
I met with Kara a few weeks ago and I must say, she is just a very beautiful and sweet girl. She looked fabulous for being through such a rough journey. In fact she was toting around her youngest and gearing up take another to pre-school. Can you say SUPER MOM?!? She said she still has rough days but that she is getting better and stronger all of the time....which is what we all want to hear. We are cheering you on Kara and we wish you a full and complete recovery! With all of your donations we were able to get Kara and her family a $50.00 gift certificate to a local nursery. We hope they will be able to find the perfect tree to plant in their yard that will bring them a lot of happiness in the months and years to come.
If you would like to follow up on Kara's journey and recovery, you can visit her blog, Life Redefined HERE

Now onto Liberia!! I was so excited and anxious to send all of your beautiful tote bags and items to LOEP founder, Beth Iden, that I forgot to take pictures. Grrrrr!!! Thankfully Sending Smiles member Elizabeth Ouellette saved my bacon and took pictures of her church group's contributions to LOEP! We want to thank everyone for all of the time and hard work that was put into this smile. The new Hope school in Liberia is gearing up for a teacher's training session in January. I just know all of your donated items will be very much appreciated and used for many years to come.
As a whole, we were able to gather 20 tote bags, school supplies and several sign language cards as well as other sign language materials.

Sending Smiles also sent several Super Star wrist bands for the LOEP staff and teachers in Liberia. They sacrifice so much and work countless hours to ensure that the children in Liberia gain an education and have a brighter future. They really are true super stars. We hope that they know and will always remember that we are here supporting all that they do. That we applaud them for stepping up and being heroes to those around them.... and are rooting for their success!!!

Once again...THANK YOU to all of you that have helped. Kirsti and I could not help and serve without your help. We are so grateful for each and every one of you!!
We are currently gearing up for the next Sending Smile as October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. That smile will be announced soon so be sure to check back.
Until then, we hope all of you have a very wonderful weekend!!!
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